As the popular saying of "Everyday is somebody's birthday" goes on circulating around each corner of the world, 14th June's been my turn to wish somebody "Happy Birthday". : )
It was Chin Hai's Birthday. I was a little bit surprised as I never expect the party to be that grand, with delicacies, balloons, fruits and friends galore. I never been to such huge party to be honest. It was up the main balcony of G-Hotel, a renowned five-star hotel, alongside with the swimming pool and a performance podium. We spent almost 3 hours up there, eating, crapping, drinking and jo-siaoing and ultimately snapping the photos with our Honorable Birthday Boy! Ooops....I guess it's Birthday Guy now! Happy 20th Birthday! In the meantime we were amused by some music and singing on the stage, and there was the very moment that we gave applause to our Big Brother Hong Yuh. Can't believe he sings like Jay Chou! Marvellous. Well, it was a hilarious night we had. Thanks to Chin Hai for his invitation. I hope he'd like the perfume we presented him.
Guests of Honour
Party alongside with the pool
Foods galore
The ONG family

Hopefully I am not "diabaikan" !