Tuesday, May 27, 2008


作: 丹 文: 杰

四川大地震见证了中华民族的团结与共识, 不怕坚敖, 不畏困苦, 更不谈地位; 各界华族积极赈灾, 为满目苍痍的灾区端来一丝丝的希望....温家宝一句"要昂起不屈的头颅, 挺起不屈的脊梁, 燃起那颗炽热的心, 为了明天, 充满希望地向前迈进! - 多难兴邦!" 刻骨地反映了小学们的坚持, 真值得令人钦佩. 大马华族, 也是否一样?

前几天, 在Old Town Cafe这仿佛我新一代的堡垒, 与丹尼长谈了许久. 至于哪曾经一时的嬷嬷挡堡垒, 早已杯岁月攻破而粹毁. 哈.

针对最近的谈政色变, 教育腐败是永始如一不变的局面, 不多说, "十个华社七个哀,; 八出外; 九无奈; 还有一个仍然亥, 奸臣们, 跳出来, 使出奸招来, 把他绑起来, 永远当奴隶对待.....lalala...." 连陶晶莹都得迫之配合当下的现实, 相信大半都是害群之马的受害者吧!

那天, 咖啡厅背后点缀的"黑色幽默" 不禁回溯7年前走过的风车路, 靠着11号 巴士的苦难...断定有朝回馈华社; 唯7年后, 足迹不见了; 风声依然存在, 还是活在窘境中, 还是莱到了这十字路口, 这教界的分岔路......

敖了2年漫长的中六, 最终大家嘟嘴异口同声:" 我没路好走, 我没好路走."

一丝丝的希望....温家宝一句"要昂起不屈的头颅, 挺起不屈的脊梁, 燃起那颗炽热的心, 为了明天, 充满希望地向前迈进! - 多难兴邦!" 刻骨地反映了小学们的坚持, 真值得令人钦佩. 大马华族, 也是否一样?

前几天, 在Old Town Cafe这仿佛我新一代的堡垒, 与丹尼长谈了许久. 至于哪曾经一时的嬷嬷挡堡垒, 早已杯岁月攻破而粹毁. 哈.

针对最近的谈政色变, 教育腐败是永始如一不变的局面, 不多说, "十个华社七个哀,; 八出外; 九无奈; 还有一个仍然亥, 奸臣们, 跳出来, 使出奸招来, 把他绑起来, 永远当奴隶对待.....lalala...." 连陶晶莹都得迫之配合当下的现实, 相信大半都是害群之马的受害者吧!

那天, 咖啡厅背后点缀的"黑色幽默" 不禁回溯7年前走过的风车路, 靠着11号 巴士的苦难...断定有朝回馈华社; 唯7年后, 足迹不见了; 风声依然存在, 还是活在窘境中, 还是莱到了这十字路口, 这教界的分岔路......

敖了2年漫长的中六, 最终大家嘟嘴异口同声:" 我没路好走, 我没好路走."

异想天开打倒诸葛亮, 当了2年臭皮匠, 依是泥菩萨过江, 自身难保. "智者"自愚愚人, 巫水倒流, 人材外流!
"智者"们, 别再使用漏斗了! 物极必反; 水满则倾; 人多瓶颈小, 迫外流当候鸟, 饮水思源谁知晓?

我, 还是对此失望欲绝!


难过, 是因为等了很久, 是因为烦了太多, 是教局起的作风;
你说: 梦想常陪着你, 再一起勇往直前, 更不该现在修了我...
不想太多, 我想一定是他批错,弄错,搞错, 拜托,
我想是奸臣脑袋有问题, 随便说说, 真想不到他们一起贪污, 不想多说, 把眼泪撑不住.....

不懂他们在帮什么, 深造却又再考倒我,
说声偏袒"马"就了吧, 别说我们叛逆.....

当作是他开的玩笑, 谋生却又再绊倒我,
说声蓄意的就了吧, 永远惦记他给的"黑色沉默"......

难道, 是因为错了太多, 是因为吃了太多, 是心理起的作用,
他说公平常陪着你, 一直都关照你方, 更不应现小题大作...
不想太多, 我想一定是他批错,弄错,搞错, 拜托,
我想是奸臣脑袋有问题, 随便说说, 真不想到他们出尔反尔, 诡计太多, 使我把眼泪撑不住.....

不懂他们在帮什么, 深造却又再考倒我,
说声偏袒"马"就了吧, 别说我们叛逆.....

当作是他开的玩笑, 谋生却又再绊倒我,
说声蓄意的就了吧, 谁来关照他我们的"黑色沉默"?......

我说嘛, 华社有朝过得江, 肯定不会再让下代过江, 起码也要为他们盖条如槟城的大桥, 前程如贵桃; 有得瞧, 人才不会渺!

以后有本事肯定要回馈社会每建设基金会, 耿于教育, 拯救华社.

的确有一批人, 胸无大志不理天下大事, 什么梦想都没有; 更有一批人, 唯太崇拜金钱, 只有现实没有老实.
华社, 怎么那么偏离?

Sunday, May 25, 2008

My NUS Admission - Dream, dream, dream

Dreaaam, dream dream dream, Dreaaam , dream dream dream... X2

Finally, the Judgement Day was cruel to me, making me stranded to the crossroads again, I had lost my dreams, since NUS put a setback to my life by rejecting my admission...... guess I have to find my way out to pursue my Architecture Dream! ..... OMG.

Not only me, thousands were disheartened to learn that their application were rejected, partly due to the overflowing applicant since this is the Dragon year. Just pity to all Dragon Babies..... too competitive man.....

sigh..... tell me why?

All I can do is dream....dreeaaam, dream dream dream..... X 3......




这么直接的答案, 竟然是我们反复思考了几世纪的问题.....

人生,总是个原点 - 挥一挥衣袖,不带走一片云彩~

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Rendevouz & Farewell - Early April

Before My Blog was born, I couldn't had a chance to record all the sweet & bitter in my everyday - thanks to blogspot.com, at least I am a Noob Blogger now! haha. Anyway, it's still not late to show you all my wonderful memories rite?

All these were some of the rendezvouses I had back in Early April.... yeah, I recollected the days with Jit Sun as my classmate, we're kind of advocate in Tourism Society, rushing here and there, all the unsettled rigmaroles especially with the school authority and yet had to juggle between studies & co-curricular activities. Worst of all, deadlines are the utmost importance in organizing a tour, once you've missed it, you will have a backfire in your plan and lose all your money. Backlogs, backlogs, backlogs....those were very common when you want to get your documents authorized but so "suei" that the teachers weren't in. Sometimes it is good to train our stamina too by running here and there in the school! @@

-With Jit Sun at Starbucks, e-gate

And now....he's back! This time is not from Penang, but Japan instead! So... besides keep "seh-koh" at my home, I did meet up my peer and we chit-chat a lot till midnight.... that's photo we snapped together that Friday night...

Talking about Japan, I had to say "goodbye' to my another friend,Isaac, who is already there now.... so sad.... but everybody has to go after their dreams, rite? For remembrance, we had a steamboat gathering at Town Restaurant, Macalister Road...hopefully he is doing well there!

We gangs of friends....with JJ Boon Teik and F3 friends....
(Isaac was the one with a dark blue t-shirt) - next time perhaps he is Isaac Newton!
Isaac is a funny guy among us, his jokes are incredible and really perk up our study life! or else we would be in our sweet slumber while the teachers were teaching! haha........

So long my friends, hope you all sail smoothly in your journey ahead and best of luck in your future studies ya! Do keep in touch even if we are in a different continent, let our friendship stretches across miles!

Monday, May 5, 2008

You Are Invited!

Hello guys! Let me introduce you to my new site - www.desmonde-crinoline.blogspot.com . Beginning this chapter of my life, I'll jot down every single event that occurs in my life ranging from anecdotes to personal thought in this sacred e-diary. ( To be frank, the earlier chapters were written in my Friendster's Blog but somehow the features were quite limited since I was using the free-version ) So guys, Stay Tuned!

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