Saturday, July 18, 2009


尤其在近几年,大马更冒出了许多傀儡组织, 什么警察,反贪污局啦都还不是挂羊头卖狗肉,


说人权? 比阿隆折磨手段更为冷血!

也许对鸟的钟爱,除了滥权滥杀, 说起话也滥鸟。



Thursday, July 16, 2009

Recapitulation III. The Canningway

Here's another project. Apparently, the "client" felt a special attachment to water, and would like to stress it on the overall design. He was particularly vexed by the statement:

"a rest area that becomes a boundary between air and water, a place for a bath in water within the passage that clarifies programmatic relationship of public and private."
"soft and hard"

It was a corner in Armenian Street, S'pore sharing the junction with the road to the Fort Canning Tunnel.
 Basically it is a forgotten site amidst the hustle-bustle Orchard Road after the abolition of Old Tao Nan School and relocation of the National Library 10 years ago. Current site experiencing less human traffic which partly explains why Armenian Street losses its vibrancy especially when the night approaches, sets quietly in the dark. A small breeze would be enough to chill your bones.

 Site analysis
So, the aim for the project was to create a passageway from point A to B that addresses a sequence – open closed open, and at the same time explores the relation of inside and outside, an experience of a threshold. Using timber planks as basic construction materials, the openings were deliberately adjusted to catch maximum natural light whilst filter off unnecessary heat during the day. By raising the structure several feet up the ground, the quality of hard wood resting on soft land were further enhanced creating an overall sense of light and balanced. Moreover, fragmentation of a dull yet solitary space into three sub-portions of instinct qualities fair enough to attract different groups of users, bringing live and vibrancy back to the forgotten old. 
In response to his profound statement, 
 "The boundary between air and water, a place experiences private and public spaces is becoming vulnerable in the rain of tropics, simply transforms from old to new without forgetting the old." 
that's why, Dynamically-oriented roofs call for the direct visual perceptions of The Clear and The Obscure. When the rain falls, users experience a curtain of water walls rolling down from left to right or vice-versa when they walk pass the walkway. Open-Closed-Open.
The Canningway.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Recapitulation II. Map.Diagram.Program

"Of learning and un-learning, thinking and un-thinking."

We were told to design a simple house covering a parameter of <15m in an abstract location, for a client who is a frequent star-gazer and somebody who enjoys his privacy pretty much. In a simpler term, he's kinda a hermit leading a simple life and has visitors occasionally. 

Proposal:  Taking the site to be a flat land with few vegetation, a corner that provides vista of the grassland is crucial which at the same time,  being partially submerged in the scarce foliage.
A bedroom overlooking shady nook, a place for a small drink with friends. A space consists of 3 segmented compartments, leading from public to private . At the same time, the kitchen and bedroom is fully enclosed from views especially in living room that undoubtedly contributes to the privacy level of the client.

Taking inspirations from previous model me and Peter did:  Small House by Kesuyo Sejima
Small but well-thought
And taking into account diagrammatic studies of Star Orientations and Directions as well as Mapping an inspirational modernist's movie "Playtime". 

 Something of Paris.
of Orion Nebula,  Meissa and Bellatrix.
Where light years shone on our walkway. Is that possible?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Recapitulation I . dXxBox

To strike a balance between Materiality & Functionalism, d.XxBox celebrates such tolerative coalescence in a single entity with much compromise of human ergonomics.

Unifying smooth touches and rigid body,
A place for reading, amusement and sometimes a furnishing,
Hailing the Mondrian,
A functional storage for paraphernalia.

Play by permutations,
As secondary spaces unveil,
Alternate storage comes real.

Breaking the X-factor,
Transcending age boundaries, adults and kids alike;
finding their own sites,
in these boxes of unanimous sizes.

Epitomizing "Something for Everything, and Everything for One thing"
Making every corner a space provider,
Varieties exists amidst such a hybrid.

Behind the scenes: The Making
Thank you guys for making this a perfect work!

Le Si
Yi Show

Yi Kang


last but not least.

Measuring ... gettin' precise dimensions

Smooth-sanding the surface

Let's fit-in all the puzzles! 
Derived from Mondrian's Art.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Random walk

Small little journeys that were made after meeting Lucia.
  Ah...these funny'll get to see everywhere in Spore.. somehow they look lonely.

Authentic Chinese Steamboat... I know the bun doesnt look appealing

hm...chic'chop @ clementi, not bad.

Another cooking class... :)
Dear made Italian cuisine this time
random random random...

Goodbye my friend, see you soon in Germany.

Search for anything?